It only seems like yesterday we were on holiday in Cornwall. September went by in the blink of an eye, mainly because my wife and I got married. We are now in the middle of October, and we have started putting the allotment to bed for the winter.
Prepping the Allotment for Winter
We have emptied most of the beds and begun mulching them with homemade compost and well-rotted manure. There are still a few things left; we need to pick and harvest loads of beetroot, the runner beans are just hanging on, and the pumpkins are ripening up and will be ready for Halloween.
Unfortunately, the weather battered the leeks, and they don’t look great. We’ll start harvesting them soon, as I doubt they’ll make it through the winter.
We picked the remaining apples and pears from our fruit trees, and I’m happy to say we had a decent crop this year.
We harvested and froze the remaining sweetcorn. It’s one of our favourite crops, and we look forward to harvesting it each year. We’d quite happily fill the entire plot with sweetcorn if we could.
The tomatoes in the greenhouse are still producing fruit and thriving. Normally, by now, we would have harvested all the fruit and composted the plants, but this year they are doing exceptionally well. I really want to have fresh tomatoes in December, so we’ll see how it goes.
As we wrap up the allotment for another year, it’s satisfying to see the results of our hard work, even though some crops thrived while others struggled. We always learn something new from each season, and we’re already thinking about what to grow next year (in fact, our onion sets and garlic just arrived today).
Until next time, it’s time to enjoy the fruits of our labour—both in the kitchen and in life.
I woke up yesterday, and it felt like autumn. In fact, I had to turn the heating on in the house. It feels like summer passed us by completely and autumn arrived abruptly.
Plot-wise, things are growing slowly. The cooler weather certainly isn’t helping. My potatoes look okay, but my first early potatoes are a hit-and-miss. Only four plants are growing in the bed, although I planted eight. The second early potatoes are fine though, and all of these are growing. The potatoes in my containers seem to be doing okay, and I harvested some last week for dinner.
Unfortunately, pigeons have battered my second batch of peas, and most of the leaves have been eaten. I’ve covered them with netting and gave them a feed; hopefully, they will recover and produce a crop. However, my second sowing of peas looks amazing and has been planted out. I start my peas off in some old guttering, and once they are 4-6 inches high, I slide them off the guttering into the bed. It makes planting out a lot quicker and avoids disturbing the roots.
Elsewhere, I’m glad to report that my onions are starting to bulk up and look really healthy. These were sown in the autumn and put on a lot of growth before winter set in. It’s only in the last few weeks that they’ve started to perk up.
The strawberries I planted in late winter are doing really well. I bought 10 plants off eBay to create a new small strawberry bed. When they arrived, I honestly didn’t think they would do much, but they’ve put on a lot of growth and have started to produce fruit. I really need to net them before the birds and other animals eat them before I do.
I had a little win last week—I spotted the first fruit on my tomato plants. They are tiny, but they are producing fruit. Hopefully, the plants won’t get hit by bacterial wilt like they did last year.